Monday, August 23, 2010

With At Least 70% Accuracy!

Any other amateurs out there use a Traditional Grip for playing the drums in "Rock Band"?

You're hardly an amateur musician. Amateur Blag writer, sure...

First of all, playing "Rock Band" isn't exactly musicianship, and secondly, I am certainly an amateur drummer. Aside from having an IQ too high to be a drummer (You've heard the old joke, I assume? "What did the drummer get on his IQ test? Drool!"), I prefer my musical stylings to, rather than simply pounding on stuff. That said, when the opportunity arose to play the drumset for a rousing edition of "Rock Band", I jumped at the chance.

This would have nothing to do with the fact that you are made of suck at the "Rock Band" guitar, right?

Absolutely nothing.

So I start playing, and I quickly notice two things. First, the angle of the bass drum pedal is far too steep. This causes you to pull your foot up and back to a most unnatural position, resulting in massive cramps in your shin. Second, I noticed I was holding my drum sticks using an ironically named "Traditional Grip." I say ironic, because you'd think something that's "traditional" would be the simplest and most basic form...but it's not. Traditional grip involved having your right stick in a simple overhand grip, and your left stick in an underhand grip as shown in this Highly Reliable Source, as compared to a "Matched Grip" which involves an overhand grip on both sticks. Why this felt more normal to me, I may never know...but since it was good enough for 95+% Accuracy, I'm not going to argue. Also, if it's good enough for Buddy Rich, it's good enough for Jeremy!

What happened when you took the game off "Easy" mode?

I was slightly less successful, but that's entirely beside the point.

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