Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Hero

We can all sleep better knowing that the Border Patrol is driving rusted-out old pickup trucks around southern New York

More like somebody confusing "Homeland Security" with biased, knowledge-free vigilante justice.

Exactly. This guy thought it would be cute and even patriotic to stick the words "Border Patrol" on his beat to crap old pickup truck a mere 300 miles from the nearest border with another country. (Mind you, I'm not counting the various Native American Reservations...which maybe I should, since they are sovereign entities...but I digress)

He's telling the world that he's responsible for keeping illegal immigrants out of the country, and good for him. He's got the ability and means, apparently, to know exactly who came to the country legally and illegally, and has been given the right...nee duty to apprehend them and deport them. I'm glad that there are people around willing to take on this burden, since the immigration office, the police, the federal, state, and local governments apparently haven't found the right way to deal with the "problem."

Perhaps it's because immigration and immigration reform is a horrifically complex issue, and people running around masquerading as officers of the law while enforcing their personal beliefs may not understand all of the aspects of it.

So to this guy who probably thinks himself a better American than you or me, I give a big hearty, "No thanks." You can keep your window sticker, your POS pickup truck, the in-cab gun rack I didn't see, but wouldn't be surprised if you had, and your narrow-minded views on immigration and patriotism. The rest of us are better off without them.

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