Friday, August 6, 2010

I can't even make this stuff up

Good News! The cable company would like me to try the phone service they installed two weeks ago!

"CordSight" strikes again!

Many of you know that Not Long Ago, I succeeded in a brilliant negotiating tactic with my cable company in order to lower my cable bill by adding services. This was, of course, mere weeks after removing services in order to lower the bill they just raised and told me they couldn't lower. It was all very confusing.

Anyway, so a mere two weeks ago, the installer was at the house, kinda wondering why he was there, but went through the motions of checking signal levels and grounding and whatnot in order to tell me that everything was fine, and he didn't need to do anything. Well, yesterday I got a call from my friends at "CordSight" offering me a way to save money on my cable bill...and that's if I try out their phone service. Yes...the exact same service I had disconnected, then reconnected...they want me to have it connected so that I can get the "Introductory Rate" that I just got back.

Way to go, "CordSight"! You're inching closer to UPS in terms of companies doing moronic things. Keep trying...there's still a long way to go.

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