Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So what's new in the world?

"How would you like it if, at your job, every time you made the slightest mistake a little red light went on over your head and 18,000 people stood up and screamed at you?" - Jacques Plante.

Ahh...the life of an NHL goalie. But seriously...this is the best you've got today?

Well, the entire internetz is most likely going to be flooded with blogizens voicing their opinions on yesterday's news, so if you want to read about that, there should be plenty of sources. Most people come here for mindless drivel and otherwise useless crap.

Fortunately, crap is your specialty.

Exactly! For example...hilarious clips from foreign game shows:

As an additional hockey note, if you happen to work from home, be sure to check out The Price Is Right this morning for a special hockey-themed showcase featuring several members of the Los Angeles Kings.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

ザッツオール 某 剽軽 crap.