Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monsters are cool

The monster is inside you in the form of an obsessive desire for the unattainable and unhealthy expressions of anger that will get worse as you age, no doubt leading to your incarceration as an adult.

Wow....uhm....I'm sorry. For whatever it was I did.

Today's Status comes to you courtesy of the whimsical webcomic Thingpart, which often times is as disturbing as it is hilarious. In this particular episode, a profound life lesson being taught by a mother to her young son goes completely unnoticed as the child then professes a desire to be Frankenstein. Before you start writing me emails, the kid did specifically say "Frankenstein," so I'm quoting it. Yes, I know that the more correct term would be "Frankenstein's Monster" since Frankenstein himself was the mad scientist who created it.

Mad science is fun too.

Indeed it is. Here's some mad science in action:

The point of that being...?

It's a robot whose sole purpose in life is to turn itself off. Most people would say that's pretty useless. Most people would say it's pretty nerdy. Some people would say it's a pretty fun invention. I would start thinking about state diagrams and the logic built into the EPROM to make it work. That's just how I am.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

OK, that robot is hysterical. It practically screams "Leave me the heck alone!"