Thursday, April 24, 2008

Maybe he wersn't

"Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but...shorn't." Michael Scott; Dunder Mifflin

Oh, there's that nutty Michael Scott again making up words.

Yeah...there's nothing quite like a manager delegating his responsibilities to focus on a pet project for his own personal gain.

Not that you'd know anything about that.

Of course not. One thing I do know about, though, is comedy...

People reading this crap may think otherwise.

...and one of the staples of comedy is Slapstick humor. You always have your basics...the upside-the-head slap, the kick in the groin, and of course, the Classic 'Frying Pan to the Head.' One of the most simple and pure Slapstick comedies is people falling down. To that end, eBaum's World has assembled this Amazing Collection of Faceplant Photos for your edutainment. Enjoy!

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