Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dave, you scare the crap out of me.

"It is difficult to fight against anger, for a man will buy revenge with his soul. Heraclites, 500B.C." - Dave Titus

How deep and profound. Very unlike your traditional Sametime Status flotsam.

Part of the point, really. The fact that Dave Titus was quoting what appears to be some ancient philosopher is a total shock.

I'm afraid you've lost me.

Dave was a character on the former sitcom "Titus," loosely based on the life and comedic stylings of Christopher Titus. Dave is Titus's adopted brother who was basically brought up in the same family and endured the same treatments as his brother. He's also a raging idiot. This quote represents a very rare moment in the show where Dave says something this deep and insightful, and also pulls out an obscure piece of history....assuming Heraclites actually existed in 500BC. I'm going to assume he did because I can't be bothered to look it up.

That's good science.

I agree. And science is based on observation. So take the following observation test and let me know how you did:


Willie Y said...

I just keep looking at the bear doing the moon walk and forgot to count the passes. I have a attention span of about 1/2 sec....what was I talking about. Oh well, have a good day.

Jeremy said...

Willie's comment has been brought to you by the Attention Defecit Disorder Society. Working hard to help stamp out...hey look at the kitty!

Jeremy said...

I counted 13, but did not see the bear. This is why nerds do not fare well in the wild. While nature certainly enjoys natural numbers, it favors those who actually see the predator.