Monday, November 5, 2007

Subject to interpretation...

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness.” - Dave Barry

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know which side of the line this blag is on.

Indeed, it is a perfectly good hobby.


So anyway, lots of good stuff for you here today. Staring with the results of last week's Quiz-Related Theme Week. Two loyal readers tied at 4 correct answers, several people cheated, and one person just totally didn't get it. Congratulations!

That said, here are the remaining answers from Friday:

BCEGKMQSW: These are the letters, when converted to numbers using the the A=1, B=2 method would represent the Prime Numbers. 2,3,5,7,11...etc. 2 people got this correct, only one without cheating.

ACDEGJKMNPSTWXZ: These letters all contain the color Blue in their International Maritime Signal Flag. One person was remarkably close, having checked for any similarities between those letters in Morse Code and Semaphore. Oh well....nobody wins the prize...which is good, because I got slaughtered in poker over the weekend, so I don't need to be giving away more money. I don't know what I did to anger the Poker Cards, but it must have been pretty vile. I literally folded 8-2 off suit three consecutive hands. How is that even possible?

Better luck next time.

Thank you. In the meantime, if you're tired of those constant bullying problems, a couple third graders from Columbus, Ohio may have the answer. Ladies, Gentlemen, and people from Elmira, presenting the Rip Away 1000! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I love how the phrase "their mother's partner" is just slipped into that article. It's amazing how far society has come in the past 20 years.