Friday, November 2, 2007

Theme Week; Part The Fifth

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Letter Sequence Week!
Identify the following subset of the alphabet: BCEGKMQSW

I know! Those are the only letters of the alphabet that Sylvester Stallone can pronounce properly!

That may be true, but it's not the answer we're going for.

So this is the part where you give us yesterday's answer.

Yes. Yesterday's sequence (AHIMOTUVWXY), as correctly stated by nearly everybody under the sun, thereby making me feel completely inadequate because it took me forever to get it, is all the letters that (in most fonts) have symmetry about a vertical axis.

Rumour has it you have something extra for us today.

Indeed, I do. Because apparently, I'm evil, In addition to the sequence above, I'm giving out a Special Internet-Only Cruel, Fiendish, Ludicrously Difficult Bonus Subset for Valuable Prizes for all of my loyal readers. Even the imaginary ones. So here you go:

Special Internet-Only Cruel, Fiendish, Ludicrously Difficult Bonus Subset for Valuable Prizes! Identify the following subset of the alphabet: ACDEGJKMNPSTWXZ

What's the prize?

Haven't quite figured that out yet, but it will be worth approximately $10.

How do I win?

The first correct answer posted in the comment section of the Blag here will win the valuable prize. Contest begins now and ends at 8AM monday morning. Good'll need it.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

Well you got me I don't have a clue. I'll just take a couple of wild stabs at it. 6 and Rumpelstiltskin.