Thursday, July 21, 2016

I Also Don't Want To Pay More

‘Ace’ Rothstein may have had a point about the blueberries…

I've seen that movie.  Things didn't go so well for Ace after that.  

Ehh...could have been worse.  Anyway, today's Sametime Status invokes the movie "Casino" starring everybody who's ever starred in an 90s mobster movie.  And Dickie Smothers.  The reference is a scene in which Robert De Niro is micromanaging the muffin production in the casino he's not technically allowed to run, but is running anyway.  He gets remarkably offended that his blueberry muffin has considerably fewer blueberries that somebody else's.  He issues a decree to the kitchen staff that each muffin from that point on is to have an equal number of blueberries.  

So, why is this important today?  Simple.  I forgot my banana.  

More often than not, my workday breakfast consists of a banana.  They're nutritious, I enjoy them, and they're pretty convenient.  I grab one on my way out the door, eat it while I'm opening my morning's email, and cleanup is quite simple...drop the peel in the garbage.  On days when I forget to bring a banana to work, or I've Tragically Miscalculated My Banana Supply, I resort to heading down to the Adorably Tiny Cafeteria Thing In My Building to locate breakfast.  Today, that meant Blueberry Muffin.  

Or should I say "Blueberry" Muffin.  

I'm not making this up...there was precisely one blueberry in my entire muffin.  It was in the top, too, which makes it worse.  That's canonically the Best Part Of The Muffin, and it had the only blueberry.  The entire bottom was a bland wasteland of muffin flavored muffin.  I exaggerate, since the muffins in the ATCTIMB are actually pretty decent, but you get the idea.  One blueberry is entirely insufficient for a blueberry muffin.  'Ace' was right...they need to put an equal number in each muffin, no matter how much longer it takes.  Quality control is worth it! 

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