Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I've Got You, Babe

I can’t remember what I put here last year… 

You know, there's this wonderful place called "The Internets" where you can actually go back and search for that sort of thing.  They have blags there, you know.  

So today is Groundhog Day!  The day when we use an overgrown rodent to predict our overall weather-based misery for the next month and a half.  Fortunately for us all, (or unfortunately, depending on your views on climate change) Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning, when a bunch of crazy people in stunningly large hats dragged him out of his tree stump.  This means we get an early spring, which is good, considering that winter just started like a month ago here in the Greater Jeremy Area.  We're already sick of it.  

Groundhog Day is also a delightful comedy film starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, (How do you like that?  I spelled MacDowell right on the first try, but not Andie) which is set in the quaint little town in Pennsylvania where all of the Groundhog-based magic happens.  The general plot of the movie is that Bill Murray has to constantly re-live February 2nd until he finally manages to get it right.  Of course, given how much of his life he had to change in order to accomplish this feat (Spoiler alert: He does get out of the loop after an estimated 34 years...give or take), how the universe decided to have him go through this is a complete mystery.  He started off nowhere near the goal.  

Anyway...since the film came out, the term "Groundhog Day" has become synonymous with having the same thing happen repeatedly, which is where today's Sametime Status comes in.  I thought of just how amusing it would be if I used the exact same Status I used on February 2nd last year...but also realized that I had no idea what that was and couldn't be bothered to look it up.  That's left as an exercise for the reader. 

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