Tuesday, February 16, 2016

He Own The Chiefs

Hooray!  Jeremy's Back! 

Yeah, slacker.  What's up?  

Well, me for starters.  There's been a lot going on in Jeremy Land lately, but the key thing to note is that I've been sick.  It sucks, and I'm probably going to have this lingering cough for another week or two, but such is life during the winter.  Winter sucks.

So, here's what you missed:

I actually had a couple amusing status messages towards the end of last week that never made it into Blag form.  The first was "Weirder?  The lyrics to 'Karn Evil 9' or the title?  Discuss."  This was the song playing on my radio when I woke up that day.  It's a good song that you've all heard, though to be more specific, you've probably heard the second part, "Karn Evil 9: 1st Impression, Part 2" which only serves to make the title that much more ridiculous.  That's the 4-minute long part of the 29+ minute ordeal that actually gets played on the radio from time to time. 

The next day was "Oglethorpe Day," for which I extended a special greeting to Ogie Olglethorpe.  That's funny if you know anything about either Oglethorpe Day or the 1977 film Slap Shot.  They two things have nothing to do with each other. 

So, not long after that, I decided to walk outside around a city for a while on the coldest day of the year with a lingering doubt about the state of my health.  This was not smart, I know...but if you saw the picture of the milkshake I was supposed to get, you wouldn't have any further questions.  My cold got worse and left the remainder of my weekend a coughing sneezing couch-denting mess. 

That takes us to today, the first day in a few that I've felt like a human being again, and I'm right back to work, hammering away.  It's the type of sacrifice I'm willing to make for your edutainment.  You're welcome. 

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