Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I Heart

I don’t know what I’m supposed to ask that person about.  The rest of their sticker was missing

I guess it's a blank page, then.  Ask about anything you'd like.  

That really does seem to be the only logical answer here.  

Everyone knows I'm not the world's biggest fan of bumper stickers.  Especially stupid ones.  (Like the one that says "I'm Only Speeding Because I Have To Poop.")  So I was a little dumbfounded by a bumper sticker I saw not long ago as I was driving along, minding my own business.  It said, and I'm quoting, "Ask Me About."  At one point, there was more to the sticker, but the part of it which told me what I'm supposed to ask about was completely torn away.  

Am I supposed to ask you about the paint on your car?  The make and model?  I don't remember specifically, but I don't recall having any specific questions about your car.  It wasn't all that noteworthy.  Should I ask you about torn bumper stickers?  You seem to know at least a little bit about those, and I must confess total ignorance on that front.  I don't have any bumper stickers, torn or otherwise.  

Why should I ask you about anything anyway?  If I have questions about stuff, obviously I would turn to an expert on the subject matter.  So, having a sticker which explains what you are an expert on is at least a little helpful for people who are looking for information on that specific thing at that specific time.  Seems like a bit of a long shot when you're driving.  Also, I probably won't want to follow you to your destination to ask you about it.  That might seem a little creepy for you....but at the same time, you brought it on yourself with your stupid bumper sticker. 

So, I'm not sure exactly what it is I'm supposed to ask you about.  So maybe that's exactly it.  I'm asking you about what's on the missing part of your bumper sticker.  It's not so much that I like the idea of your bumper sticker...more that it's just bothering me enough that I kinda want to know. 

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