Monday, July 27, 2015

Dinner For Days!

You use the side of your index finger more than you think  

And just what if I think I use it an awful lot?

You don't, but that's hardly the point.  You still use it more than that.   

I've learned recently that one of the most used portions of my hand is the side of my right index finger.  It's amazingly useful when turning the key to my office, when putting stuff in my pocket, when writing something down, when squeezing a bottle of shampoo, when carrying my laptop to a meeting, when washing dishes, when getting the last potato chip out of the bag at lunch, when turning the steering wheel of my car, and probably a few other things I'm forgetting about because they're just too numerous.  
How did I discover all of these wonderful uses for the side of my finger, you ask?

I totally didn't ask.  This is entirely on you.

By getting a giant blister on the side of my index finger!  

Of course, I did this in pretty much the manliest way possible.  

That's actually the shocking part of the story, really.  

I was using my Bear Paws to shred my home-made pulled pork!  These things are really cool.  They make you feel a little like Wolverine in that you have near-indestructible claw extensions on your otherwise perfectly normal hands.  I've never pulled an entire pork shoulder before without these things, but it doesn't take much to figure out that they make the work an awful lot faster an easier than doing it with a knife and fork.  They're really pretty awesome.  However, depending on how you hold them (correctly versus incorrectly, apparently), if you use these things non-stop for about an hour, pulling over 7 pounds of delicious pork shoulder, you can develop a blister on the side of your index finger.  You don't even notice it until later when you pop the blister open while washing the dishes.  After that, it's pretty much the worst thing ever.  

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