Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Couple Bucks, Maybe?

Rapper 50 Cent filed for bankruptcy yesterday.  I can’t imagine how I could make a joke out of that

It truly is a daunting task for today.  I'm sure you'll manage somehow.

When you make a living as a comedy writer...

...or try to write mildly funny crap on a Sametime Status Blag...

...inspiration comes in various forms.  Some days, you hear something on TV or radio that makes you think of something amusing.  Sometimes, you see a sign or a random happenstance which makes you think, "say, that would make a great Sametime Status."  Some days, the well has simply run dry and you go through the first hours of your day thinking that you've written your last joke.  

Other days, the Comedy Gods smile down upon you and bestow a treasure trove of comedy goodness.

Yesterday was one of those days.  I popped on down to one of the online news sites (as I am wont to do from time to time), and saw the news that Hip Hop artist Curtis Jackson III had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  The artist, more commonly known by his stage name "50 Cent" (pronounced FID dee SEN) had a reported net worth of over $140 Million as recently as 2014.  However, as a result of some legal troubles for which Mr. Cent could be held liable for $5 Million in damages.  The subject matter of that particular lawsuit is not fit for printing in a PG-rated comedy blag.  There are other places to find out that sort of thing, but you get the idea.  

So, bankruptcy is perhaps a bit of a dodge in this particular case, since nobody is really wondering where Mr. Cent's next meal is going to come from.  However, it is left to me as the comedy blag writer to come up with some sort of clever punchline to the fact that a rapper named 50 Cent is making lawyers and a court determine how much money he has.  If only there were some way to do that...

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