Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Raise Would Be Nice

3…2…1…Happy New Job!!!

It's time to celebrate, folks!  Jeremy got a new job!  Now, he'll be doing...well...exactly the same thing he was doing before, and in the same place, but for a different company.  It's an exciting time of minimal change!

That's right.  As I alluded to yesterday, today is a bit of an off day at work, since the part of the company that I worked for was sold to a different company, and the acquisition was completed not long ago.  Today, I have a new company, new department, new title, and pretty much the exact same responsibilities.  

Fortunately, at least for now, my new job involves using Sametime, so I still get to make jaunty Sametime Statuses for you to enjoy. 

So while my job may not have changed super drastically, there is still plenty of things to learn in terms of new software, new databases, new managers and such on our first day.  There was also a giant party with goodie bags and ice cream.  That was important.  

Most people take a little time to send an email to their old colleagues when changing jobs.  They talk about what a pleasure it was to work with the people they've interacted with, and talk about the projects they were involved in, and the company they're leaving behind.  I'm not doing that, since pretty much everybody at work is in the same boat, and we're all leaving the same place to go to the same place and do the same things.  So, my message to all of my colleagues is this:  See you at work tomorrow. 

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