Thursday, June 25, 2015

No Internet Smell-A-Vision Yet

To celebrate Color TV Day, today’s Sametime Status is brought to you IN COLOR!  

In a blag feature not seen since 1990's Geocities webpages.  Good job, Jeremy!  Can you make the text blink and have a jaunty "Under Construction" gif too? 

Thank you!  

So today marks the 61st anniversary of the first color TV broadcast in the US.  The first color TV show was an hour-long variety show called "Premier," and it first aired in color June 25th, 1951.  It was especially amazing, since almost nobody could watch it in color, since they call still had black and white TVs.    

I felt this was a very important moment in history, which led us to today's Sametime Status.  See, while Sametime does allow people to change their status message, the outside observer may not be aware that the status is, in fact, in color!  Users have the option to change their status from Green (Available), to Yellow (Away), to Red (Do Not Disturb).  It's really not very exciting, especially when it comes with the same old tired Status Messages like "Available," "Away," and "Do Not Disturb." 

Therefore, as a public service to you, my loyal Sametime Status readers, I have made the extra sacrifice to offer today's Sametime Status IN COLOR!  

You are welcome. 

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