Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm Thinking Of A Number Between One And Ten

Fortune Cookie: “Someone can read your mind.”  Poignant or creepy?  You decide!

Would be slightly more creepy if it said, "Someone else can read this fortune."  Your head would turn around so fast...

Yeah...fortunately that didn't happen here.  

So, I get lunch from the Chinese restaurant across the street once in a while.  Like many Chinese restaurants other than ones in China, they usually give me a fortune cookie with my food.  It's a tasty little crispy dessert.  It also contains garbage.  

Fortune cookies, if you'll pardon the expression, have gotten a little stale lately, with very few of them actually containing a fortune.  They used to be profound little phrases like "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," or "Tae Kwon Leap is not a path toward a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon."  It seems like they've run out of clever things like this, so more often I see crappy fortunes like, "Life is full of decisions, like white or brown rice," and "Your health is important.  Eat your vegetables."  These are real, by the way.  There have also been awful self-serving ones such as "Enjoy your meal?  Get one to go, too!"  

Well, recently, I got a pretty terrible one.  It said, "Someone can read your mind."  

At first, I wanted to know who this person was.  If they can read my mind, are they a truly gifted psychic, or do they have this connection only to me?  If they can read anybody's mind, we're going to Vegas for a little poker.  If they're only able to read my mind, they're in for a pretty dull time, as they learn just how often I think about tacos.  (Hint:  ALL THE TIMES!)  Then I thought about how this cookie knows this person, and what the odds were that of all the fortunes the cookie company put in cookies, that this one ended up with me.  It got a little disconcerting, if I'm being honest...but apparently, one person already knew about that.  

So, if you're the person out there who can read my mind, please let me know.  It's a little creepy knowing you're out there just using this power for your own purposes. 

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