Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's A Sad Day

ALERT!  Bird Flu has claimed its first North American victim

It's a sad and sobering day for all of us.  Bird Flu has officially spread to North America.  We really have to wonder how long until it gets to all of us.

Indeed.  We all knew this day was coming, of course.  That doesn't make this terrible news any easier to take.  We are now one step closer to the inevitable Bird Flu pandemic we've feared for a long long time.  
So yesterday came reports from Vancouver that an unidentified Canadian citizen contracted the H5N1 Bird Flu while traveling abroad, became sick and died last week.  Tests confirmed this week that the cause of death was indeed Avian Influenza, and the media storm commenced.  Nobody knows how many people this poor traveler came in contact with on their flight from China to Vancouver, nor whether or not this horrible virus has mutated to be transmitted easily.  All we do know is that North America, formerly on high alert for Bird Flu, has officially received its first casualty in what is sure to be a long and unwinnable war. 

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