Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Theme Week, Part II

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents:  Stuff People Won’t Buy Me For Christmas Week!  Day 2:  Mayan Civilization 2013 Page-A-Day Calendar

  Hi, everybody.  LIR here.  We here at Jeremy Is In The Office like to take roughly this time of year to treat you to a special holiday-themed Theme Week...because...we care or something.  Also, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season makes us too lazy to come up with new stuff.  This year, we present you a list of gift items that Jeremy won't be finding under his tree.  There are reasons for that, as you'll see. 
So, as sad as it is for all of us to think about, there won't be a Christmas this year, white or otherwise.  Looks like out Jewish friends got it right, celebrating Hanukkah already so that they can get it in while there's still a world.  As you're probably aware, the Mayans predicted the end of the world on Dec 21st of this year....which means Friday.  Hopefully, all of your affairs are in order, because the end is a mere 3 days away now.  It is on that day that the 12th B'ak'tun completes, and we either move on to the 13th, or in one horrific misinterpretation, the calendar just stops, and the world is over. 

There's also the more "scientific" theory that a solar flare will cause the magnetic poles of the earth to reverse, causing an energy release equal to 100 Billion atomic bombs.  This claim comes from an interview on Fox News, which should come as a shock to nobody.  It's also beside the point.

So, the Mayan calendar ends on Friday, so 2012 would be the last year of the Mayan Page-A-Day Calendar, so I really don't expect anyone to buy one for me. 

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