Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Except On The West Coast

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Jeremy

That's unfortunate.  I was hoping for a new and improved one.

Sadly, I can't help you's just me.  

Anyway, today's Sametime Status is one of those rare times when it's more relevant to me and the people I work with than the people who read this stuff for the bountiful entertainment it usually provides.  

See, I've had this project going on at work for the last couple weeks which has been soaking up pretty much all of my time, energy, and willingness to live.  It got finished up (or as close to finished up as I can make it) yesterday, and aside from an extremely small smattering of minor updates, is complete.  I can now actually devote my time to actual stuff I'm supposed to have been working on for the last couple weeks.   Needless to say, I'm a little behind. 

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