Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Let's Use 24-Hour Time Too, So We Can Have 13:13:13

Today is 12/12/12.  Until we add a 13th month to the calendar, this will be the last time this ever happens...or something  

What in blazes are you talking about, you monkey?  1/1/1 is less than 90 years away.  

Yeah, but with the end of the world coming in 9 days, I don't think we'll make it that long. 


So you may be aware, today is 12/12/12...and that holds true if you live in the US or Canada.  It doesn't quite hold as true if you're Jewish, as today would be the 28 of Kislev, in the year 5773.  I don't know what numbered month Kislev is, and I'm not going to look it up, so let's assume that it's the 12th...which would make today 12/28/73, or 28/12/73 if you're Jewish AND Canadian.  

It's all pretty confusing.

Of course, if we were still using the Julian calendar, and ignored that whole Pope Gregory thing, we'd still be chugging along in November.  11/29, to be exact. 

Then again, if the Islam calendar is to be believed, it's only the 28th of Muharram, 1434.  

I could go on...there are other converters on the Internets...but I think you get the point.  

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