Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Every Time A Horn Honks, A Car Gets Its Wheels

Oh no!  Jeremy’s car is sick!  Clap your hands if you believe in cars, and it’ll get better!

I don't know how happy your car would be if it knew you were comparing it to a little green fairy.  It is a red car, after all.  

Well, it's a sad day in Jeremy Land, as my car is in the shop for the first time since I bought it.  It's been a good run of flawless performance, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.  Fortunately, that run came to an end while still under warranty, so my stuff gets fixed for free!  Free stuff is always good, right?  

So here's your funny part of the story.  When I arrived at the dealer to turn in my car for repairs, the receptionist informed me that there was a recall on my car that they would also be performing while they had it.  This recall involved replacing the gear shift knob because, and I am not making this up, "Customers may notice blemishes on the shift lever knob."  Yes, apparently, the chrome-colored paint they use on the shift knob can flake off, and enough people complained about this that they're replacing everyone's when they come in for service.  

As for what's wrong with my car that prompted me to take it in...well, it could potentially be a pretty substantial repair, but we won't know for a little while.  In the meantime...keep clapping, everybody! 

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