Monday, September 10, 2012

Ask About The Baby Deer

It’s a strange feeling to learn that you ran over a snake in your garage

Probably a little stranger if you realize you didn't run it over...

Household pests suck.  

Everybody is familiar with the standards...flies, spiders, the occasional bee, stinkbugs (oh, I hate those friggin' stink bugs) and of course, ladybugs.  They're very common, and pretty commonly disposed of through various means.  I, however, seem to have alit upon more than my fair share of interesting pests lately.  

Not long ago, I discovered a frog between the window and screen of my downstairs window.  I don't know how a frog got there, but I know how he got out.  I was nicer to him than I usually am to stinkbugs.  A while back, I found a dead praying mantis on my deck to go along with the dead mouse at the base of the deck's stairs.  Recently, there was also whatever the hell this poorly photographed thing was on my bedroom widow:

Seriously...that thing was huge.  

Needless to say, I thought I had seen it all, until one day last week, when I decided to go for a bike ride.  I was putting the bike rack on my car and looked down to see a snake on the garage floor.  Yes...snake.  It was actually pretty adorable, and was 5 maybe 6 inches long.  I'm assuming it was a garter snake, but I'm not entirely sure...I can guarantee you it wasn't a big worm, though....definitely snake.  The (un)fortunate part of this was that the snake had the thickness of a piece of paper, having clearly seen the underside of one or more of my car's tires.   I was pretty glad that I didn't have to remove a live snake from my house, but also a little sad that I ran over this little guy.  I'm also no longer 100% confident that there aren't more snakes in my house.  I haven't seen another one inside, but neither had Samuel L. Jackson, and I think we all know how that turned out.

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