Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Trolling Is Fun!

Goal For Today:  Convince somebody that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, but only in the southern hemisphere 

I really don't think anybody would fall for this...would they?  

A wise person once said, "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."  But then, the internet crapped all over it and attributed the same quote to many different people, including Confucius, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, and Mark Twain.  If there's one thing the Internets have done, it's to increase people's awareness of the stupidity around them.  

There are videos of people getting hurt doing stupid things, which you used to have to put up with a half hour of Bob Saget to view now available 24/7.  There are the Yahoo Answers pages which exist for trolling, pointing out bad grammar, and cheating on homework.  There's Wikipedia.  And of course, there is Social Media which allows people to display to the entire word Just How Dumb They Are.  You look at things like this on the internets and you start to realize that you've given the world FAR too much credit for actually having some awareness of the world around them.

Some People Take Advantage Of This and that's to their credit.  They've figured out a way to potentially profit from people not knowing or understanding much.  (For the record, the trick to that video is ALL in how the water is poured into the basin, it has nothing to do with the Coriolis Effect.)  Some people also just troll in order to derive only pleasure from the stupidity of others.  It can be Remarkably Effective.  

So, I propose a troll.  Everyone's task today is to go out and find a sucker and convince them that the earth rotates the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere.  It should be remarkably easy...just explain to them that since the southern hemisphere is upside down, the directions are reversed.  That's why the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.  

Please let me know how it goes. 

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