Friday, May 11, 2012

Different Type Of Hunger Game

No matter how many times I don’t go shopping, my fridge is still empty

Well, you're in luck.  I have a connection for that sort of thing.  It's called "The Grocery Store."  

Strangely enough, I know where food comes from and what I have to do to get some of it.  I just haven't done any grocery shopping in a while due to lack of time and/or concern about the food content of my refrigerator.  It's at least also partially to do with my astounding creativity when it comes to laziness.  For example, if I don't have any sort of sandwich-making materials, but I still have lettuce and string cheese, it's Salad Day!  

The truly astounding part of all this is the fact that if I do go grocery shopping (which, for the record, I do plan on doing after work stop by if you want an autograph), when I get home, there will be no room in the fridge for actual food.  What the crap is in my refrigerator?  I really don't get it...there's stuff in there, but none of it is food.  It's like food components or opened jars of something that was part of food once that will likely never be opened again.  Or the 90% empty box of mini quiches.  Yeah, I had a party once and served mini quiches...what about it?  My real problem is going to be when I do actually get groceries, making sure I get the appropriate groceries to not only have food, but to be able to use these half-exhausted parts of food I already have.  I should make a list, maybe...

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