Monday, May 21, 2012

Matter Of Perspective

I don’t think it follows, therefore, that if there is no gain, there is no pain

 I don't know...I don't think you gain much if I punch you, but it doesn't hurt me at all. 

So today's Sametime Status is a play on the old-timey phrase "No Pain, No Gain."  Taken to its illogical conclusion, pain and gain are mutually inclusive, such that to achieve gain, you must endure pain.  

In reality, this isn't always true.  People achieve things all the time without pain involved, and there are painful things that result in no gain...falling off the roof for example. 

Please tell me this is based on a true story.

Unfortunately for the sake of entertainment, it's not based on reality.  I didn't fall off the roof.  Sorry to disappoint.

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