Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's Going To Be Super!

Are you ready for Supermoon 2012?!

Do you mean Superman?  That movie's not supposed to come out until 2013.

They're making another Superman movie?

Why not?  There's still money to be made in superheroes.  

Either way, I'm not talking about Superman.  I'm talking about Supermoon.  It's the time of the lunar cycle when a full moon coincides with the perigee of the moon's orbit.  Thus, the moon looks as large as it's going to.  When Supermoon takes place this weekend, not only will it coincide with a meteor shower caused by Halley's Comet debris, but the moon will be the closest it's been to the earth during a Full Moon in over 100 years or something.  
In unrelated news, Microsoft Word sucks at grammar.  It's true.  As some of you may know, I keep all of my Sametime Statuses, past, present, and sometimes into the future (I've already written those for tomorrow and monday), in a Word document on my computer.  Not long ago, I wrote a Sametime Status that never made it into Blag form due to a plethora of meetings I had that day.  (Sadly, my actual job takes precedence over writing this stuff)  It "celebrated" the 26th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and pointed out that with current cleanup methods employed, it would only take another 53 years to recover.  Exciting stuff, I tell you.  

Anyway, Word was displeased with my choice in wording, and it threw up a grammar check for me to review.  I post it here for you to review:

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