Thursday, February 2, 2012

We're Getting Hosed

How many fixin’s are there?

Probably quite a few.  Why?

Well, I've recently become concerned with (read: happened to notice a sign) making sure I'm getting proper value for my money when presented with a food item that claims to have "All the fixin's."  Before you start emailing me, I believe that is the proper spelling and punctuation, given that "fixin'" is an abbreviated form of "fixing," so therefore the apostrophe should stay.  

I find it very difficult to believe that any one place can indeed provide "all the fixin's" for that partcular item, be it a hot dog, hamburger, pizza, what have you.  The sheer variety of things I can come up with just off the top of my head make it nearly impossible, given the space constraints that come along with providing that service.  I can also think of some extraordinary items that may be considered fixin's that are only included in isolated places...such as pineapple or mango chutney (actually things I've seen).  The instant you don't offer one of those items, your claim of "All the fixin's" goes out the window.  You've lied to me!  Jerk.

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