Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This Chick Is Toast

I’m more amused than I should be about making a “Ghostbusters” reference to someone who probably didn’t get it

You have dogs and cats living together?

Nope.  As sad as it is, we live in an era where there are a lot of new movies coming out and not enough people are aware of the classics, nor are able to devote enough time to viewing them.  This is a problem, because fine cinematic masterpieces that are endlessly quotable are recognized less and less, and the countless pop-culture references you can make to the movie basically cease being pop-culture.  

Back in the 1940's, I imagine a world where hundreds upon hundreds of people would utter the phrase "Here's lookin' at you, kid."  Now, the phrase not only seems like a mere old-timey phrase, but most people will recognize that it merely came from an old movie, but will have no chance of coming up with "Casablanca."  Bogey is sad.  Bogey is even more sad because not enough people know who "Bogey" was, even in a paragraph about "Casablanca."

I had the experience not long ago where an intern where I work had never seen the movie "Ghostbusters."  This is little short of a criminal offense to society, punishable by a screening marathon of the Twilight series, followed by a good 12 hours of Nicolas Cage films.  I firmly believe I had a similar experience at a restaurant not long ago.

I was out with some friends after an evening of volleyball, towards the end of a late meal/snack.  The waitress, who I'm assuming was a student at one of the local colleges comes around and asks me if I would like another beverage.  Not entirely sure how much longer everyone was going to stick around, I glance around the table and ask to nobody in particular, "Do I?"  The response quickly came, "Yes, have some."  Without a second thought, I turned back to the waitress and echoed, "Yes, have some."  Everyone should instantly recognize this as the exchange between Egon, Louis (Vince), and Janine in the Ghostbusters headquarters, after Louis had become possessed by the Keymaster of Gozer.  I'm pretty sure the amusement of the more recent exchange was completely and hopelessly lost on the poor waitress.  

Whose fault is it that college students in this day and age haven't seen Ghostbusters?  I blame society.  So straighten up, people!  Pop culture is in danger, and we can only save it if we cross the streams. 

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