Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Very Convenient

My new phone book lasted about 5 hours

Showing off your strongman skills again?  Something just doesn't seem right about that for some reason.

Sadly, no.  The phone book is still at least reasonably intact wherever it may be.   

See, the phone company still feels the need to deliver phone books to everyone.  The problem with this, of course, is that nobody uses phone books anymore.  That's what the internets are for.  Most smartphones will even dial a number for you when you find one on a website.  Combine that with the fact that everyone's cell phone is unlisted, and there is precious little information that can be gleaned from a phone book that can't be found through other easier means.  By "precious little," I of course mean "none."  

Yet, there it was on my doorstep yesterday afternoon as I came home from work.  500-some pages of dead tree that would make for a good paperweight but for the fact that it's too big and made of paper itself.  I have no other use for the phone book.  Fortunately, the phone company had the good sense to deliver the phone books on garbage day!  The thing made it as far as 10 feet into the garage where it was promptly placed in the recycling bin.  The bin was at the curb 5 hours later waiting to be picked up.  Seems like a bit of a waste, but I don't feel bad about it because had I brought it inside, it would have taken up room on my desk for about a year until the next phone book arrived and met the same end.  I merely sped up the process.  Also, I recycled...that's good, right? 

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