Thursday, January 12, 2012

Don't Ask Where Klingons Come From

Star Trek villains “The Cardassians” seem to be direct descendants of Kim Kardashian

That seems to make the most sense of anything, really.  Gene Roddenberry was a true visionary.

What's even more impressive is that Gene Roddenberry was dead long before anybody named Kardashian even became relevant.  Why anybody named Kardashian is relevant is entirely beyond me, but it's also beyond the scope of my musings here.  I'm actually a little offended at myself for writing about them here because it only adds credence to their notoriety.  I should just stop.

Before you do...just answer one question for me.  How many lights do you see?

Most non-nerds reading this won't get that.  

I'm okay with that.  

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