Friday, October 14, 2011

Rhetorical Friday Strikes Back

Who decided what order to put the alphabet in?

 I hate you.

You're choosing to hate the player, and not the game?  

Well, I chose to hate Rhetorical Friday quite some time ago.  You're responsible for this, so therefore, I hate you as well.

I pay your salary.
I love Rhetorical Friday!

That's better.  
Now anyway, the concept of Alphabetical Order has been around for as long as the alphabet, but unlike numbers and counting and that sort of thing, the order of letters in the alphabet seems more than a little arbitrary.  Why did they choose to put Q before S?  S is clearly the more important letter as evidenced by every episode of Wheel of Fortune ever made.  We're taught alphabetical order from a young age, and we never question it.  A comes before B and B comes before C...and that's just how it is.  I don't know how much sense this makes, and I would like the English-speaking world to do a full review of the alphabet so we can make sure we have the most efficient alphabet possible.  Just because we'd have to re-organize the dictionary is no reason to stick with an old, failed system.  

Jeremy's old Statistics professor used to say, "Most parts of the world speak broken English, except the United States.  There, it's been ground into a fine powder."  

Happy Rhetorical Friday, everybody!

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