Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Cost Of Sanity

The Satellite Radio company should use Election Season as an advertisement

 We'd like to say that it's that time of year again, but since it'll be going on for the next year non-stop, we don't really know what to call it.  It's a little unfortunate.

That's right, everyone...it's election time again!  Sure, we've never really stopped seeing election signs from the last election in November, then the special election in February, the other election in April and whatever the frig else people splatter campaign signs all over the world for.  As much as we all wish they'd stop, everyone knows they won't.  One method they use of destroying our quality of life is the radio commercial.  For about a month and a half before every election, 83% of the commercials you hear on the radio will be negative mud-slinging political advertisements against one candidate, which leave you a little unclear who exactly you're supposed to be voting FOR.

Not long ago, I had a free trial of satellite radio.  It was enjoyable hearing songs that I hadn't heard on the radio in some time (or ever) and being able to do so without hearing commercials.  That said, I decided pretty early on that these positives were not worth the cost of a regular subscription, so as soon as the free trial expired, so would my involvement with satellite radio.  Of course, the satellite radio company disagreed and have proceeded to call me ever other week asking if I want a subscription.  It recently occurred to me (while listening to an interview with some political candidate I won't be voting for) that their best sales pitch would be right around this time of year.  All they have to do is call me and say, "If you pay for satellite radio, you won't have to listen to political commercials anymore," and I'll be reaching for my wallet.

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