Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Times, They Should A-Change Right Back

83% of rap lyrics consist of explaining why the song's artist is better than every other rapper

In a poorly kept secret, this Sametime Status is a thinly veiled facade for letting Jeremy link to This Clip from an old Comedy Central show.


But really? Two consecutive messages involving a made-up 83 stat? People are going to catch on.

Well, that's beside the point anyway, since everyone knows I don't listen to rap music.

Aside from the Tupac song you have...and the copy of "Fear of a Black Hat" in your DVD collection...and Erasure's cover of "Rapture"...and didn't you once download an NWA song...something about Police?

Hardly worth mentioning. What is important today is that everyone knows that Bob Dylan's grandson, Pablo, released his own rap CD this week.

Dear God. I hope this is as made up as your statistics.

Sadly, it's not. Pablo Dylan is, in fact, an aspiring rapper, and his song "Top Of The World" not only violates Jeremy's Big Rule #1 in the first 5 seconds, but performs a whimsical bout of musical nepotism in the first minute, capitalizing on Bob Dylan's musical success to try to push his own. So, yes...I feel your pain, Pablo...growing up among both "scrutiny" and "mutiny" with your graddaddy's money. Feel free to release more songs that just happen to link your career with that of an actual musician.

By the way, I'm not even a connoisseur of hip-hop, but I'm pretty sure that this song is pretty terrible by those standards.

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