Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time to buy a vice

There's still toothpaste left

The world will always have toothpaste. It's not as if it's an extraordinarily valuable commodity.

That's beside the point. The important thing to note here is that my tube of toothpaste is still not empty. There's some in there somewhere. It's just a matter of squeezing in the right place.

Truth be told, the thing is really giving up the ghost right now. Its replacement is sitting there in my medicine cabinet, champing at the bit to be put into service. Only problem is that somewhere along the line, the toothpaste company decided to put an extra little plastic cap inside the tube that is remarkably difficult to remove. At some point, I will have to just figure out how to get rid of it so I can have a functioning tube of toothpaste again...but what happens is every time I remember to do that, it's when I'm right about to brush my teeth, and don't feel like nutsing around with some dippy little plastic doodad. So I turn back to the old nearly-dried-up tube and squeeze harder in some remote location to see if it can give me one more kick at the can. It hasn't failed me yet! There's still toothpaste left!!

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