Thursday, February 17, 2011

It will be quite loud

My email won't be silenced, apparently!

Power to the people! Who's trying to suppress your freedom of speech?

The email server I use at work.

I'm losing interest in your story.

So, like pretty much every email account in existence, my email server limits me to a certain quota I'm allowed to use. When your space consumed nears the limit, it starts sending you emails saying that you need to reduce your mail file size...either by deleting old emails or...uhm...well...deleting old emails.

This is a laborious process to go through, and somewhat annoying. Like most people, I put this off until the last possible moment. This means that at some point, I go over my allotted disk space, and my email account gets frozen. I can no longer send emails until I get down below the maximum file size...a phenomenon commonly referred to as "Mail Jail."

When you enter Mail Jail, you get an email saying that your email account is disabled. Well...I'm not sure how I pulled this off, but I've gotten this email 4 times in as many days this week...and yet, my email still functions! Woohoo! Fight the power!

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