Monday, February 21, 2011

Down with Phil!

Now forming Groundhog Hunting Parties. Inquire within.

Wow. Another weather-related post?

Well, yeah. It seems like only last week it was 60 degrees (16 C) outside.

It was last week. Friday, in fact.

So when I woke up to 4 more inches (10cm) of new snow on the ground, and perhaps more importantly, my driveway, I was immediately put into a cranky mood. Combine that with my usual monday crankiness, and you get a weather-themed Sametime Status. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

On a related, yet wholly unrelated note, if anybody knows how to remove a word from the user dictionary on a Droid X, go ahead and let me know. For some unknown reason, not long ago, I forgot how to spell the word "tomorrow" while trying to text it to somebody. The phone offered an alternative spelling (which turned out to be the correct one, and when I tried to press it, I'm not sure how, but I ended up storing my new creative spelling into the spell checker. So now, when I try to text "tomorrow" to somebody, the first thing my phone does is try to spell it "tommorow." This makes me sad, and a little annoyed at myself...since I really have nobody else to blame for this one.

1 comment:

Pah said...

I'll look into that for you...tomorrow.