Friday, February 18, 2011

It's real to me!

We miss you, Pluto!

Yeah...I reminisce about all those old Disney characters all the time, too.

Unfortunately, wrong Pluto.

The Roman God of the Underworld?

The Kuiper Belt object formerly known as a planet, causing widespread chaos by forcing us to re-write the "My Very Educated Mother" mnemonic. What if I want Nine Pizzas instead of Noodles? It's a bunch of crap!

And you picked today to wax nostalgic about a desolate frozen wasteland that makes Hoth look like a tropical resort?

Well, today is the anniversary of the day Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.

...and you're a nerd...

That about covers it.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Did you know that your brother actually met Clyde Tombaugh? True!