Monday, October 25, 2010

The Statute of Limitations is like 48 hours

The Yankees don't even have the common decency to lose during the week, so we can properly give our co-workers the business

That's unfortunate. The hilarity has time to die down for those of us who correctly need to give the business.

For some reason, Yankee fans don't seem to quite understand the level of humiliation that is appropriate for wasting another $200 million on a failed season of baseball. Apparently, pitching is the problem...from what I'm told by the sports reporters on TV. It would seem $54 million isn't enough money to buy a fool-proof rotation, and you still end up trotting out AJ Burnett to stink up a game for you. Incidentally...any other team that jumped on an albatross like Burnett would be crippled for years...the Yankees just brush it off and chase after $20 million worth of Cliff Lee in the offseason.

When your team has the ability and inclination to do this, and you still can't win, this is a miserable failure of beyond epic proportions. In fact, much like "Battlefield Earth" this 2010 Yankees team should be the new yardstick by which all failure is measured. No matter what it is you screw up at any point in the next 10 years, you should be able to say, " least I'm not the 2010 Yankees," and everyone will have a hearty laugh and forget about your mistake.

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