Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Not what I expected

Somebody may now explain to me why I have the "Pink Elephants" song from Dumbo stuck in my head.

You snuck into the clown party again last night? That's probably the only logical explanation.

The only one, huh?

So as it turns out, I wrote this Sametime Status a couple days ago when I had the Pink Elephants song stuck in my head. I have no idea why, clearly...and it makes no sense. I wasn't drunk, nor a flying elephant. I haven't seen the movie in years, particularly that portion of it, which I always hated...not because I'm afraid of evil clowns or pink elephants, but because I just always thought it was stupid. Of course, at the time, I probably didn't realize the fact that Dumbo was drunk on some form of clown grog.

Anyway...I wonder if this is one of those situations where the Internets can change personal history. Maybe if I find that clip on Youtube or something and watch it again now, I'll see the true meaning of it, or find the song less irritating, or just in general find it less annoying.

I think you have to be loaded for that to work. Wait until you get home.

Thanks for the tip.

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