Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Let me out!

Twelve up. 21 to go!

Occasionally, we here at Jeremy Is In The Office like to provide wholesome, heartwarming Sametime Statuses as a feel-good public service to the community. Then, typically, Jeremy will go and ruin it. Today, we celebrate the rescue of the Chilean miners as a triumph of both courage and engineering.

Not to mention a complete failure of American news reporting.

And there it is. As of this writing, 12 miners have been safely brought to the surface, with 21 remaining. Jeremy's Sametime Status at work will accurately reflect the current count, but the Blag will remain as is. And now, back to Jeremy's Soapbox.

News coverage sucks.

I'm all for the fact that this rescue is being covered by outlets like CNN, but I'd like to take issue with one of the items on their website. There is a clock showing the amount of time that has passed since the "start of rescue." It currently shows about 11 and a half hours. Uhm...correct me if I'm wrong, but the mine shaft collapsed on August 5, which is a little over 2 months ago. Didn't the rescue start right about then?

What's the point in keeping a running clock on how long it's taken to extract these people from the mine? Is it like a Burger King drive-thru where they're trying to keep statistics as to which crew is doing a better job? Are they trying to improve efficiency for the next time a mine collapses and they have to shuttle people out one at a time through a half-mile long tunnel that's about a foot wide? Or did somebody at CNN find a little script for a running clock and think it would be great to add to the website for a while to create artificial drama in an already captivating rescue? Holy crap, CNN.

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