Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yet, they still use it...

Sorry, "Point Of Sale" Cash Register people, but the acronym "POS" was already taken

"POS" is not an acronym. It's an initialization.

While that's very true, it's a little cumbersome trying to explain what an initialization is an how it's different from an acronym within a one-line Sametime Status. So, in order to simplify everything, I just went with acronym. It gets the point across.

The point being?

That I'm amused whenever I see "Point Of Sale" machines (which are apparently different from an old-fashioned cash register), I'm amused because they're often referred to as "POS". Some of you may be familiar with "POS" being used as shorthand for "Piece Of Something".


It's a family Blag.

Fair enough.

So, to the people making Point Of Sale machines, you really should get to work on changing the name of your system. It'll really make your lives easier if your sales pitch doesn't refer to your product as a "POS". Just trying to help.

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