Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stupid Password Day

It’s Password Day! My email password is no longer un1cornz

As is always the case with "Password Day" Sametime Statuses, we feel compelled to inform you that neither this nor any of the other passwords written on the Blag here have ever been used as Jeremy's actual email password. This of course does not make it any less fun to make fun of him for even saying he's using a password like "un1cornz"...so have at it!

It's somewhat unfortunate that Password Day was today. I had a full week of quality Sametime Statuses lined up for you, and had to shift everything by a day to accommodate this silly little tradition.

You say that almost as if you're going to be working more than 2 days this week.

I simply said that I had the week all lined up. I said nothing about how many days that week would contain. So you'll just have to wait until monday to find out tomorrow's Sametime Status. Today's, you'll be able to read tomorrow.

I'm confused.

My work here is done!

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