Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Never would have guessed

Apparently, selling Steamrollers on the side of the road is more common than I thought

Are you selling a steamroller?

Sadly, no. For various reasons, good bad or indifferent, I don't have a steamroller. However, a bizarre number of people do.

How many is bizarre?


I guess if you set your expectation low enough...

That's not really the point. If you remember Not Long Ago, I pondered buying a steamroller that was for sale on the side of the road on my way to work.

Four consecutive prepositions! Nice job, Jeremy!

Well, as much as I was dismayed that somebody else bought the steamroller, I really had no use for it. Little did I know that I would get another chance. On my way to work yesterday, I glanced out the window and saw a completely different steamroller for sale on the side of the road. I find this to be unusual...anyone else think so?

Either way...I think my ride home today will be a little slower...but make things flatter! Woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are cement mixers still following you around? Maybe you could get one of those to go with a steamroller.