Friday, May 14, 2010


14 Days!? But I want compost now!

What exactly do you need compost for?

For all the things one would use compost for.

So why do you have to wait 14 days?

Well, I saw one of those internet advertisements on some website somewhere. It told me that there's some new funky thingamajobbie that can make compost in 14 days. They seemed very excited about this.

What website were you on? I suppose it's better than your usual...

Hey now! My main point, I guess, is that ads can make anything seem like something you need to the point where I actually considered getting a composter for grass clippings. Then I had a series of thoughts.
  • I don't have a garden.
  • I don't need compost.
  • My lawn mower can easily mulch grass clippings, making the composting of them irrelevant.

Classic stuff, Jeremy.

Thanks! See everyone next week!

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