Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Theme Week, Part Mum

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents: Conspiracy Theory Week! Jet contrails are a deliberate attempt to create artificial clouds to reduce global warming.

Well, this is obviously a problem. Who's behind this conspiracy, and what's being done about it?

It would seem that The Government is responsible for the cover-up of the artificial cover.

What makes you say that?

Well, the author of the illuminating website Contrails, Chemtrails and Artificial Clouds has sent a copy of his "Situation Report" to every member of congress and there's apparently been no direct action to stop it.

Yeah...we're still burning millions of gallons of jet fuel rather than finding an alternative, despite the trillions of dollars of capital and infrastructure designed around the petroleum industry.

Besides that, it appears to that one particular trained observer that NASA scientists, airline pilots, and even meteorologists are in on the conspiracy too, since none of them seem able to recognize the clouds the author CLEARLY identifies as artificial. There's a time-lapse video on the website to prove it and everything.

The author also backs up his environmentalist stance...the pdf I downloaded off the site says it's printed on recycled paper. That's thinking ahead.

More importantly, if there is a giant conspiracy to artificially create clouds, it's obviously a health hazard (Note the appearance of metal oxides about 1/4 of the way down the page...we can only assume the same Metal Oxides that create salts which form rainbows in lawn sprinklers), and somebody needs to do something about it. Obviously, the government isn't stepping up, and meteorologists obviously aren't paying attention (according to the author) who's going to help us?

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