Thursday, April 2, 2009

A New War Begins

“You're going to need a quart of peanut oil, some bubble wrap and as much yarn as you can find.” – Jeff Barnes

This will accomplish what, exactly?

I have no idea. It was a quote from last week's episode of Chuck...which was a really good show until a recent episode which contained a ridiculously shameless plug for a sandwich chain related to an underground rail system. This plug was so bad, it took me completely out of the story and into cursing SUBmarine sandwiches in a WAY that will probably prevent me from going to any of these restaurants for at least a month. Way to ruin my show, jerks.

So yesterday's Blag was a bit of fun. for those of you who didn't use Billy's translator or go through the work of reading the thing as written, I was deeply saddened to announce that the Famed Toaster Of Hades is no more. A new Son Of the Famed Toaster Of Hades has been put in its place.

As I was making my way to the adorably tiny cafeteria thing in my building, I was pondering what I could put in the Blag today. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for the guy who got to the Toaster a mere 30 seconds before me, inspiration came.

That's right, folks...a mere 2 days into its reign, Son Of the Famed Toaster Of Hades has claimed its first victim. Some guy's bagel got stuck against one of the heating elements and wouldn't come down the chute, leading to the inevitable burst of fiery death and a cleansing, yet ultimately unsatisfying charcoal breakfast. To his credit, the guy refused to let SOFTOH get the better of him, and he buttered his charred bagel and bought it as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Power to the people!

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