Monday, April 20, 2009

I never would have guessed

Moose don’t tessellate very well.

Why are you trying to fill a plane with Moose leaving no overlaps or gaps?

It's really quite simple. I made cookies.

Of course...that explains everything.

I had need to make cutout cookies in the shape of Moose (I added 2 squirrels with some of the left-over dough to add in a little extra amusement for myself). I rolled out my dough and began cutting out the Moose shapes, and in addition to being somewhat large, they don't lend themselves to arranging themselves nicely on the dough. This means I had to roll dough and cut Moose more times than any normal person would choose to do.

Turns out, the cookies were a rousing success, and I can tell you that they tasted good, too. One of the Moose broke a leg coming off the cookie sheet, so I had to eat that one. You just don't take broken cookies to a party, right?


Willie Y said...

Eating the three legged moose was a very humane thing to do.

Jeremy Dailey said...

They were excellent!