Friday, January 16, 2009

He's gone back to Ceti Alpha Five


Jeremy's Sametime Status and Miracle Posting, Inc would like to pay tribute to the late Ricardo Montalban. Though, really...this whole thing is a setup for a pretty stupid joke at the end.

IMDB tells us that Ricardo Montalban is most remembered for his role as "Mr. Roarke" on Fantasy Island. However...I have no clue what that show is, or how good a character Mr. Roarke was. Of course, if you read it on the Internets, it has to be true.

Realistically, though, Ricardo will be best remembered for his immortal role as the villain "Khan" in the original Star Trek series, and later in the motion picture "Star Trek II; The Wrath of Khan".

Over the course of his life, Montalban appeared in over 150 lucrative films and television shows, enabling him to purchase his own theatre, and found a non-profit organization to help underprivileged children. He died Wednesday at 88 years old.

That is to say...he lived long, and prospered.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

Ricardo Montalban's coffin was completely covered in fine Corinthian leather.